Press Releases

  • December 7, 2023

    Statement from Nassau County & New York State Democratic Chair Jay Jacobs and Queens County Democratic Chair, Congressman Gregory Meeks

    On behalf of the Nassau County and Queens County Democratic Committees, we are very pleased to announce the official selection this afternoon of Thomas R. Suozzi of Glen Cove to be our nominee for the Special Election in the Third Congressional District of New York.

    Tom Suozzi has a proven record of fighting for his constituents, fighting to safeguard our suburban way of life here on Long Island and Queens and always advocating for sensible solutions to the real challenges affecting every day average Americans. We look forward to working with the Suozzi Campaign, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to restore integrity, competence and a focus on the real needs of our larger community in the Third Congressional District.

  • October 25, 2023

    So-Called New York “Moderates” Support Election Conspiracy Theorist and Author of Nationwide Abortion Ban to Lead House Republicans

    NEW YORK, NY – Today, vulnerable New York House Republicans again sided with the extreme MAGA wing of their party to elect a chief legal architect of Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election and the author of a nationwide abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest to be the next Speaker of the House. “MAGA Mike Johnson,” as he is known, is also the author and original co-sponsor of the federal “Don’t Say Gay” bill and has a long history of supporting virulently anti-LGBTQ legislation at every level of government. As chair of the Republican Study Committee, Speaker Johnson has also worked to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other essential programs that everyday New Yorkers rely on.

    “Once again, the so-called GOP moderates have shown us who they really are – extremists caving to the demands of Donald Trump,” said Jay S. Jacobs, Chair of the New York State Democratic Party. “New Yorkers deserve to know – do NY House Republicans support Johnson’s extreme agenda, or are they simply trying to please the twice-impeached former president after he derailed their party’s leadership elections from a Manhattan courthouse during his own civil fraud trial.”

  • October 8, 2023

    Statement from Chairman Jay S. Jacobs Condemning the NYC-DSA Rally in Support of Yesterday’s Attack on Israel

    “The rally in support of the terrorist violence against the State of Israel, promoted by the group that refers to themselves as the “Democratic Socialists of America” is repugnant to everything that our country and this Democratic Party stands for. The surprise attack against innocent civilians, numbers of whom were kidnapped and taken hostage by a terrorist organization should be universally and categorically condemned by all parties in our political process.

    The New York State Democratic Party strongly condemns the “NYC-DSA” whose support of a rally that sought to justify the wholly unjustifiable acts of wanton violence, terrorism, kidnapping and murder that was perpetrated on the people of Israel this weekend.”

  • October 7, 2023

    Statement from Chairman Jay S. Jacobs Condemning the Attacks on Israel

    "The New York State Democratic Committee strongly condemns the attacks orchestrated by Hamas on Israel. The unexpected rocket barrage and infiltration of Israeli towns near the Gaza Strip during a significant Jewish holiday are inexcusable.

    “New York Democrats stand united to unequivocally denounce this act of terrorism against the Jewish people and their homeland. I applaud Governor Hochul for her unwavering support of Israel and the affirmation of the special bond of New York with Israel..."

  • July 14, 2023

    New York’s Vulnerable House Republicans Vote to Restrict Abortion Access for Servicemembers and Military Families

    "Today, New York House Republicans broke their campaign promises and voted for legislation restricting reproductive healthcare for servicemembers and military families.

    “Today, New York’s vulnerable House Republicans once again rubber-stamped the extreme MAGA Republican agenda,” said Jay S. Jacobs, Chair of New York State Democratic Party. “After telling voters that abortion was a state’s rights issue on the campaign trail, New York House Republicans caved to the extreme wing of their party to deny servicemembers and military families access to vital healthcare. Promises made, promises broken.”

  • June 30, 2023

    Statement on Recent SCOTUS Rulings

    "The Supreme Court has once again demonstrated their commitment to a radical MAGA agenda that tramples over the rights of all Americans. Make no mistake: we are in this situation because of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, who cynically hijacked our top court to achieve their extremist aims.

    New York Democrats are united in our commitment to equal rights, diversity and the rule of law. While the Supreme Court strikes down laws protecting LGBTQ+ rights, we stand strongly in support of equality. When they strike down affirmative action, we double down on building a more inclusive society. When they overturn President Biden's student loan forgiveness plan, we will continue fighting to make college more affordable for all.